Boden finds a way out: work together with Virtual ExPOs like Thomas, Parker, Topsflo did

BODENFLO joins hands with VirtualExpo Online Exhibition Group in France to enter the international market comprehensively

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Virtual expo online France

A sudden epidemic at the beginning of 2020, international trade promotion methods have changed dramatically, the limitations of the traditional exhibition and customer visits-based foreign trade promotion methods are exposed, so many foreign trade enterprises have to rethink countermeasures and find a way out.

Your customers are all here.
Your peers are here.
Your competitors are all here, too.
What are you waiting for?
(Click on the text above to learn about VirtualExpo online exhibition member sharing)

The epidemic will not change the objective laws of economic operation, just your money making model backward or your thinking model backward lead to your own no business, business must be done up, need a longer-term plan! Foreign customers stay at home office because of the epidemic blockade, can only use the Internet office, also can not go around the world to exhibit, also can not visit suppliers, and there is no other better way. So the Internet, must be the only window, it is the future, is the opportunity. And the State Ministry of Commerce has introduced a policy of strongly supporting online promotion and online exhibition, which will certainly give birth to more opportunities and give birth to new industry out, Canton Fair to do online exhibition is a good example, online exhibition is bound to become a new windfall. Under the epidemic, foreign trade people need to find a way to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises and seek a breakthrough, rather than sitting on the sidelines and surrendering. Under the epidemic, it is a good time to do promotion, foreign trade people need to choose to take the initiative and do!

The wheel of history rolls forward, it will not stop because of anyone’s negative slow. When the times abandon you, even a goodbye will not be said. Only enterprises that actively embrace changes and grasp industry trends can survive for a long time. China’s supply chain was not defeated in front of the sudden outbreak of the global epidemic; on the contrary, it has achieved counter-trend growth. According to customs statistics, in the first eight months of 2021, the total value of China’s imports and exports was RMB 24.78 trillion, up 23.7% year-on-year and 22.8% higher than the same period in 2019. Among them, exports of 13.56 trillion yuan, up 23.2% year-on-year, up 23.8% over the same period in 2019; imports of 11.22 trillion yuan, up 24.4% year-on-year, up 21.8% over the same period in 2019; trade surplus of 2.34 trillion yuan, up 17.8% year-on-year. The first eight months of import and export are showing more than expected growth.

In this context, our company recently joined hands with France VirtualExpo online exhibition group to enter the international market comprehensively.

Online exhibition allows Chinese foreign trade enterprises to strategize and win without leaving home!

Let’s look back at the past 13 years of China’s economic turmoil.

Since 2008, the economics world has been predicting that the next year will be the most difficult year for China’s economic development. Over the past 13 years, a consensus has emerged from all walks of life that the economic environment is becoming increasingly difficult, and it is even more difficult to start a business or invest!

However, in the past 13 years, a part of investors, entrepreneurs, enterprises and aspiring people with a keen sense of business have seized a wealth of opportunities, constantly refreshing new wealth creation myths.

Taobao has reshuffled the traditional retail industry with its “Internet + shopping” model.
Ctrip has divided up the traditional travel industry with its “Internet+travel” model.
Drip has subverted the traditional cab industry with its “Internet + taxi” model.
Meituan has disrupted the traditional restaurant industry with its “Internet + food” model.
Alipay has disrupted the banking and finance industry with its “Internet + finance” model.
France VirtualExpo Group is about to disrupt the physical exhibition industry with its “Internet + Exhibition” model.

The truth of the success of these “new giants” is that they understand the policy and seize the wind, so that they can really grasp the opportunity of wealth, achieve a great career and become the elites leading the times!

Now VirtualExpo online exhibition in order to allow more foreign trade enterprises to step out of the independent station inquiry to get customers, especially launched “10 million yuan to subsidize 1000 foreign trade enterprises” large-scale general benefit activities, each foreign trade enterprises receive a maximum of 8772 yuan subsidy to help you low-cost risk-free taste of online exhibition promotion.

Do you want to become an international brand and sell globally?
Do you want to appear on the same stage with the world’s top 500?
Do you want to expand your brand awareness overseas?
It’s time to reach international high-end buyers and decision makers through VirtualExpo.

Are you still struggling to get quality sourcing buyer inquiries?
Are you still struggling with the inability to visit your customers?
Are you still struggling with the inability to attend international physical exhibitions?
Are you still struggling to overcome the time difference in foreign trade?
Are you still struggling to communicate with your customers by phone in small languages?

Your customers are all here.
Your peers are here.
Your competitors are all here, too.
What are you waiting for?
(Click on the text above to learn about VirtualExpo online exhibition member sharing)

As long as you have foreign trade export needs
Manufacturers of industrial, medical equipment, construction and home furnishing, marine and shipbuilding, agricultural machinery, aerospace
and have a good English website.

You can receive a maximum subsidy of 8772 RMB
Low cost and no risk to participate in VirtualExpo online exhibition
Expand your international market and
Start your journey to success.
Wechat DirectIndustry

Scan the QR code above to follow the public WeChat number.
Reply “Experience” in the background.
Receive 8772 RMB subsidy.
Start the journey of online exhibition promotion!
For more details, please click on the following article.
VirtualExpo Group @ all 10 million subsidies for 1000 foreign trade enterprises in China, foreign trade people quickly receive!
Or call us: 027-87774606
In addition, VirtualExpo online exhibition group international business consultant and international sales consultant national hot recruitment, VirtualExpo China welcome you to join: [Monthly salary 50,000

China Foreign Trade Circle
The heaviest and most valuable
Wechat DirectIndustry
Scan the QR code above and pay attention to the WeChat public number.
Reply “customs data” in the background.
You can apply for free customs data inquiry! For more details, please click on the following article
For more details, please click on the following article.
@ all foreign trade people, customs data free inquiry and download [fight against the epidemic to help foreign trade
Wechat DirectIndustry
VirtualExpo Online Exhibition Group

VirtualExpo Group is a world-renowned online exhibition service provider, founded in 1999, with more than 300 employees and an annual turnover of more than 200 million euros, headquartered in France, Europe, is a world-renowned online virtual exhibition provider, a new multilingual, multi-keyword, multi-search engine of search engine optimization, online exhibitions, industry websites and specialized B2B platforms. Internationalized localized e-commerce promotion platform. We have six professional online virtual exhibitions, namely Directindustry (industrial products), Archiexpo (home products), Nauticexpo (marine products), Medicalexpo (medical products), AgriExpo (agricultural machinery), AeroExpo (aerospace) . 2020 annual unique visitors 110 million, more than 40,000 online booths, nearly 1.1 million online products, a well-known sourcing and marketing platform favored by global visitors and international buyers.

Company Mission: To make the internationalization of Chinese brands easier and help 10,000 high-quality Chinese manufacturing brand enterprises to sell worldwide!
Company vision: to become a global leader in online exhibitions and professional B2B platforms; to become a global influential provider of one-stop service solutions for brand exposure, product promotion, network optimization and access to sales opportunities in foreign trade.

Company business philosophy: content first, visitors first, high-quality procurement buyers.
The company’s core values: bold, courageous, professional and dedicated, perseverance.

DirectIndustry (industry online exhibition) was launched in 2000, with more than 13,000 members.
NauticExpo (marine online exhibition) was launched in 2003, with more than 4,000 members.
ArchiExpo (online exhibition for building and home) was launched in 2007, with more than 10,000 members
MedicalExpo (medical equipment online exhibition) was launched in 2012, with more than 7,000 members.
AeroExpo (aerospace online exhibition) launched in 2016, with more than 3,000 existing members.
AgriExpo (agricultural machinery online exhibition) launched in 2016, with more than 3,000 existing members.

In 2021, VirtualExpo China will insist, as always: “Make internationalization of Chinese brands easier, and help 10,000 high-quality Chinese manufacturing brand enterprises sell well around the world!” In the future, VirtualExpo China will continue to “empower employees to grow internally and create customer value externally! The company will contribute to the development of China’s foreign trade.
Wechat DirectIndustry VirtualExpo online exhibition visitor distribution
The VirtualExpo online exhibition platform management skills, notes summary

World map Winter image

There is no winter that cannot be overcome.
The first time I saw it, I was able to get it.
The global epidemic has temporarily disrupted our work and life.
But it cannot defeat our brave hearts.

VirtualExpo Online Exhibition is here to advocate
More foreign trade service companies can help
Chinese foreign trade enterprises to get out of the current predicament.
We also hope that more foreign trade enterprises in China
At the time when the international exhibition is stopped and cannot go out of China
Pay more attention to online exhibition channels.
Let’s add bricks to the cause of China’s foreign trade together.
Wish all Chinese foreign trade enterprises a long and high performance!

Author photo of Jean Qiao, Project Manager at

Note: All content and images in this article are original creations of BODENFLO. For permissions to reprint or use any articles or images, please contact the author.

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